Acupuncture Treatments in Seattle for Better Health
Imagine living with less physical and emotional pain, with more freedom of movement, and with greater energy, balance, and intention. When Seattle’s Sandra Broberg, Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc) and Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner (AEMP), formulates your treatment plan, that’s her commitment to you.
With a focus on pain relief, musculoskeletal injuries, sports medicine and orthopedics, women’s health and fertility, and digestive health, Sandra views her role as a facilitator in helping your body’s own natural healing process. As Sandra’s patient, you’ll also receive resources and education that will help you manage and improve your own health and vitality outside of Sandra’s clinic so you can more quickly regain the life you most want to live. Sandra is committed to providing caring and personalized attention. She welcomes new patients.
What is acupuncture, anyway?
Acupuncture is a complete system of health care that is used to diagnose and treat disease, prevent illness, and improve well-being. A safe and effective form of treatment that originated in China more than 3,000 years ago, acupuncture is long proven to balance and heal the body.
Very fine needles are carefully inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate your natural ability to heal itself. Studies have shown that acupuncture:
- helps control and eliminate pain
- reduces inflammation
- balances the mood
- promotes tissue regeneration and bone healing
- regulates the gastrointestinal tract
- boosts the immune system
- regulates the endocrine system for gynecological disorders
- promotes fertility.
The treatments work on both the particular symptom pattern as well as the underlying conditions that may have allowed the symptoms to develop in the first place.
Acupuncture Styles
Sandra draws upon an eclectic blend of styles that includes the sports acupuncture techniques of Matt Callison and Whitford Reeves, the Balance Method treatments of Richard Tan, the system promoted by Dr. Tran Viet Dzung, and the Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion techniques of the Kiiko Matsumoto and Master Nagano style. She is certified in the Kiiko Matsumoto tradition.
COVID-19 Policy
Your safety is my priority. I’ve implemented several changes to create a safe environment for you to receive your acupuncture care.
I am not seeing patients in person who have COVID or COVID symptoms (a fever, new cough [other than known allergies or asthma], difficulty breathing [aside from a prior history of asthma], or an acute loss of sense of smell) or are acutely ill.
Masks are strongly encouraged, but are only required if you have a cough, are sneezing, or have been in recent contact with someone who has COVID, COVID symptoms, or the flu. Please sanitize your hands upon entry into the waiting room.
Acupuncture Office located in Seattle’s University District/U-District
Body in Balance Acupuncture is located in the University District (U-District) of Seattle, Washington at 4500 9th Ave NE, Ste. 300, Seattle, WA 98105.
- Phone: 206-841-8500
- Fax: 206-629-6409
- 4500 9th Ave NE, Ste. 300
Seattle, WA 98105
Office Hours
- Monday: 1-8
- Tuesday: 8-6
- Wednesday: By Appointment
- Thursday: 10-7
- Friday: 8-5